Building AUMA's LinkedIn community

How we built AUMA Actuators Limited's LinkedIn community.

LinkedIn is the only social media platform on which you'll find AUMA Actuators Limited. The company is not on X, Instagram or any other platform simply because it's a B2B organisation and LinkedIn provides the perfect environment in which to build its community.

LinkedIn is the world's largest online professional network. Our LinkedIn focus is on connecting and strengthening AUMA's online corporate reputation, working with AUMA's team to connect with opportunities by showcasing unique individual career stories.

Since 2020 we increased AUMA's business page connections from 805 to 3,565 - a 342 per cent uplift. We achieved this by adopting a creative organic content strategy that we regularly revisit and refine, based on a forensic review of interactions and reactions. AUMA's LinkedIn business profile is also regularly updated, including using its header to promote and support current marketing campaigns. We also encourage AUMA's team to share content from the company page with their personal audiences, by reacting, reposting or sharing content and adding their own comments about the post. 

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